Strat PlannerBatter's Team Strategy
Clutch worth: For each decrement in the batter's clutch rating, how much value as compared to one hit does each decrement have. Players with positive clutch will have their overall value increased by the number the percentage of a hit as entered here. Running worth: Here you can enter a value that you consider to be a neutral value for running ability. For each increment in the batter's clutch rating, how much value as compared to one hit does each increment have. . Conversely each successive decrement under that neutral value, the overall value of the player will be decreased by the percentage of a hit entered here. Bunting worth: Strat ranks the ability to bunt a player over or perhaps even bunt for a hit with a ranking of A through E. You can assign values to the top three ratings by which a player's value will be increased if he attains one of those three top ratings. H&R ability worth: Strat ranks the ability to successfully perform a hit and run with a ranking of A through E. You can assign values to the top three ratings by which a player's value will be increased if he attains one of those three top ratings. Stealing worth: Strat ranks the ability to steal with a ranking of AAA through E. You can assign values to the top three ratings by which a player's value will be increased if he attains one of those three top ratings. The AAA rating is seldom attained and is treated the same as AA here. Default Settings: Pressing this button sets all the entries with the default settings. You must press submit before the settings are recorded. |